Supported Organization: Make-A-Wish Colorado
Make-A-Wish Colorado was founded in April of 1983 in memory of 7-year-old Jennifer Mazak, by her mother Joan. Jennifer was diagnosed with a liver condition at an early age and spent most of her life in and out of the hospital. She passed the time listening to her favorite radio station, KIMN, and dreamt of meeting the station’s mascot: a chicken! One summer day, the KIMN Chicken showed up at her door and the two spent the day together. Joan saw what a profound effect this experience had on her daughter. Joan started Make-A-Wish Colorado to bring this same joy to other children!
Make-A-Wish Colorado has granted over 5,200 wishes since 1983. In Fiscal Year 2018, Make-A-Wish Colorado granted 270 wishes. Children who qualify for a wish are between the ages of 2 ½ and 18 and have been diagnosed with a critical illness by their doctor. They are not necessarily terminal; in fact, many wish kids overcome their medical conditions and go on to lead strong, healthy lives. Make-A-Wish has the unique ability to transform a child and family’s life during some of their most difficult trials. A wish offers rejuvenation and perspective for the entire family. Wish children are battle-weary. Fear induces fatigue. Stress permeates the home, affecting parents and siblings alike. A wish is a break from the normal routine of medical treatments. When energy is restored through a wish experience, the fight can continue with renewed hope. Wishes are the driving force behind all we do because, put simply, wish experiences transform lives.
Wishes are funded from individual donations, special events, corporate donations and sponsorships, workplace giving donations, foundation grants, and a fundraising program in Colorado schools. Frequent flier miles and used vehicles are also accepted as donations. Of every dollar received, 83 cents goes towards granting wishes.
Make-A-Wish Colorado
7951 E. Maplewood Ave. Suite 126
Greenwood Village, CO 80108
(303) 750-9474
2018/2019 Grant Report
Since 1999, the Walter A. and Charlotte Soule Family Foundation has been helping Make-A-Wish Colorado create life-changing wishes for children critical illnesses. That means that in 20 years, the generosity of the Soule Family has helped us grant over 47 rush wishes to our most fragile children and has offered them a beacon of hope during one of life’s darkest seasons. Because of you, six more wonderful wishes came true for children who wished to go, to have and to meet people across the country. We thank you for your continued support of our mission and we look forward to another 20 years of granting wishes together.
Russell’s Deep-Sea Fishing Wish:
Russell, an eighteen-year-old ocean lover, is battling a heart condition. Before entering hospice care, Russell wished to go deep-sea fishing! He was eager to experience the thrill of reeling in some of the ocean’s most powerful fish. While out at sea, Russell was able to catch a 175Ib shark and pet it before releasing it back into the ocean. When not out fishing, Russell was able to go parasailing and snorkeling-seeing the wildlife from both the farthest and closest vantage point! Now wishing to live out at sea, it’s safe to say that Russell’s wish was everything he hoped for and more -thanks to you!
Juliana’s Walt Disney World® Resort Wish:
Throughout treatment for a brain tumor, ten-year-old Juliana always found joy in watching Disney movies. She felt a connection to these characters because their strength and bravery amidst hardships kept her encouraged through the challenging times of her own
treatment. For her wish, Juliana wished to visit the most magical place on earth, Walt Disney World. Alongside her family, she raced from rollercoaster to rollercoaster and was even able to meet her favorite princess, Moana. The entire family was overwhelmed with gratitude for the experience that re-fueled them all in the fight against Juliana’s critical illness.
Serenity’s Shopping Spree Wish:
When Serenity, a seventeen-year-old fighter, was diagnosed with a brain tumor, her whole world flipped upside down. Despite her life-changing diagnosis, this brave teenager has remained optimistic and compassionate towards others. Before the start of her chemotherapy treatment, Serenity wished to have a shopping spree! Thanks to Make-A-Wish Colorado and the Soule Family Foundation, this wish experience was filled with a luxurious limo ride, lunch at her favorite restaurant (Red Robin), and an unbelievable day of -what felt like -limitless spending on her favorite things with all of her friends and family in tow!
Jackson’s Logan Paul Wish:
Almost a year to the day before Jackson met Logan Paul, he was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer. The diagnosis day was a sobering start for what would be an intense year of treatment and spirited fighting. Shortly after being diagnosed, Jackson found solace in the silly, near-daily videos of Youtuber, Logan Paul. Logan’s videos give viewers a voyeuristic peek into his fun-filled life, and Jackson felt like he already knew Logan long before he wished to meet him. Because of your generosity, Jackson was able to meet Logan at his home in California and the two spent the day together playing Fortnite, eating burgers and filming a special YouTube video for Jackson to watch any time he wanted to back home in Colorado.
Kennady’s Shopping Spree Wish:
Kennady, a leukemia warrior, loved all things Disney, Build-A-Bear®, and American Girl. What would be a more perfect wish than a lavish shopping spree where she could pick out all of her favorite things? This is exactly what she wished for! Sadly, Kennady lost her battle soon after her wish was granted. Kennady’s day of limo rides, a red carpet appearance and an extravagant shopping spree helped her feel like the special, inspiring little girl that she will always be remembered as! Her wish experience – a day full of smiles and excitement- is a memory that Kennady’s family will always cherish thanks to your generous contribution.
Miya’s Walt Disney World Resort Wish:
Through medical treatments for a malignant brain tumor, twelve-year-old Miya looked forward to her wish to visit Walt Disney World. Miya dreamed of entering into a dreamland, full of life-sized characters, beautiful princesses, and one of her favorite things -the Wizarding World of Harry Potter™! A trip to the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique gave her a newfound confidence that made her look and feel like a princess. Aside from her magical Disney experience, a stop at the picturesque ocean coast was also on her list of must-dos. And the warm sand and beautiful blue water didn’t disappoint! Your gift is making a true difference in the lives of critically ill kids like Miya, and their families, as they navigate through possibly some of the darkest times of their lives. You are helping to make these impactful wishes a reality -thank you!
Make-A-Wish Colorado is grateful for the on-going support of the Walter A. and Charlotte Soule Family Foundation. We thank you for helping us give Russell, Juliana, Serenity, Jackson, Kennady and Miya an unforgettable wish experience. Most of all, thank you for helping us transform lives, one wish at a time.
Cruising with Caleb
Caleb is a big Spider-Man fan. He’s got Spider-Man pajamas, action figures, t-shirts, hats and even a lifelike costume that he likes to wear whenever he gets the chance. When Caleb was diagnosed with cancer, Spider-Man became an even more important role model in his life because Spider-Man represented strength, courage and overcoming obstacles. Read more…